SushiToken (SUSHI) API and Price Oracle

SushiToken API Logo


For informational use only; request a custom oracle/API for production below.
General information
Contract address
Smart contract address of the asset
Blockchain network where the asset is deployed
Pricing methodology used to determine the price of the token in USD. By default, all price feeds on the DIA App are calculated with a MAIR methodology. This parameter is customisable.Learn more about methodologies.
Update frequency
120 seconds is the default update frequency. This parameter is customisable.Learn more about oracle updates.
Next update
24h Volume
The total volume captured by DIA across all the integrated sources.
Volume 24h
Trades 24h
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Token information

What is SushiToken (SUSHI)?

SushiToken (SUSHI) is a decentralized finance (DeFi) project built on the Ethereum blockchain. It aims to create a community-governed decentralized exchange (DEX) similar to Uniswap. SushiToken was founded by an anonymous developer known as "Chef Nomi" in August 2020. The project gained popularity for its novel approach to incentivizing liquidity providers using yield farming. SushiToken's name is a play on words, referencing the popular Japanese dish and Ethereum's native token, Ether.

How does SushiToken work?

SushiToken is a decentralized finance (DeFi) protocol that operates on the Ethereum blockchain. It was created as a decentralized exchange platform that provides users with the ability to trade Ethereum-based tokens in a decentralized and permissionless manner.

At its core, SushiToken leverages the concept of automated market makers (AMMs), which are smart contracts that allow for the exchange of tokens based on predefined mathematical formulas. The most commonly used AMM in the SushiToken ecosystem is Uniswap. Uniswap employs a constant product formula that ensures a balance between the token reserves in a liquidity pool.

To participate in SushiToken, users can provide liquidity to the various liquidity pools available on the platform. By doing so, they contribute their tokens to the pool and receive SUSHI tokens in return, which represents their share of the pool. These SUSHI tokens can be staked to earn rewards in the form of additional SUSHI tokens.

Users can also trade tokens directly on the SushiSwap platform. When executing a trade, the AMM algorithm automatically calculates the appropriate number of tokens to be swapped based on the available liquidity in the pool. The transaction fees generated from these trades are distributed to liquidity providers as a reward for their contribution.

SushiToken differentiates itself from other decentralized exchanges by implementing additional features like yield farming and incentivizing liquidity through the distribution of SUSHI tokens. Overall, SushiToken provides a decentralized and efficient platform for token swaps and liquidity provision, making it a popular choice in the DeFi space.

What are the benefits of SushiToken?

SushiToken, a decentralized finance (DeFi) protocol built on the Ethereum blockchain, offers several benefits compared to its direct competitors.

First and foremost, SushiToken provides users with a unique value proposition by implementing innovative features. Its platform allows users to earn rewards by staking their tokens in liquidity pools, participating in yield farming, and providing liquidity to decentralized exchanges. This creates a vibrant ecosystem where users can maximize their returns on their assets while maintaining control over their funds.

Moreover, SushiToken boasts a community-driven approach, which ensures that decisions regarding protocol upgrades, features, and incentives are made collectively by token holders. This governance mechanism enables users to actively participate in shaping the future development of the protocol and ensures transparency in decision-making processes.

When comparing SushiToken to its direct competitors, such as Uniswap and PancakeSwap, it is important to note that SushiToken offers a unique feature called "SushiBar." This feature allows users to stake their SUSHI tokens and earn xSUSHI, which represents their share of the fees generated by the protocol. This mechanism incentivizes long-term holding and rewards loyal users with a share of the platform's profits.

Additionally, SushiToken has been actively expanding its ecosystem through partnerships and collaborations with other projects in the DeFi space. This helps to drive adoption and provides users with more opportunities to interact with the SushiToken protocol.

In summary, the benefits of SushiToken include innovative features, community-driven governance, the ability to earn rewards through staking, and an expanding ecosystem. These factors contribute to SushiToken's competitive edge in the DeFi market when compared to its direct competitors.

What is SushiToken used for?

SushiToken (or SUSHI) is a cryptocurrency token used within the SushiSwap decentralized exchange platform. As a decentralized exchange, SushiSwap allows users to trade various cryptocurrencies directly from their wallets without the need for intermediaries like centralized exchanges. SushiToken serves as the native governance token for SushiSwap, giving holders the ability to participate in the decision-making process of the platform.

Common use cases of SushiToken include:

1. Governance: SUSHI holders can participate in voting and proposals to shape the development and direction of the SushiSwap protocol. This democratic feature enhances community involvement and allows token holders to have a say in important decisions, such as changes to protocol fees or the addition of new trading pairs.

One specific use case worth mentioning is providing liquidity on SushiSwap. Liquidity providers (LPs) can deposit their tokens in specific pools to enable trading. In return, LPs are rewarded with trading fees and, sometimes, additional SushiToken rewards. By adding liquidity to the platform, users contribute to the overall liquidity of the decentralized exchange, making it easier for others to trade and helping to reduce slippage.

It's important to note that the value and utility of SushiToken can fluctuate based on market conditions and the success of SushiSwap as a platform. As with any cryptocurrency, it is crucial to do thorough research and consider the risks before engaging in any transactions or investments involving SushiToken.

What is DIA's SushiToken API?

DIA's SushiToken API is a part of DIA's comprehensive range of API endpoints that provide real-time price feeds for various crypto assets. These price feeds are constructed by aggregating raw data from over 85 on-chain and off-chain cryptocurrency and NFT exchanges, resulting in a high-quality and reliable data source.

While DIA does offer free API endpoints for developers to test, the custom feeds they provide are even more beneficial and useful. These custom feeds can be tailored according to specific requirements, allowing users to configure them based on preferred sources, methodologies, update mechanisms, and more. To request a custom feed, users can reach out to DIA through Discord or Telegram.

The API endpoints, both the free ones and the custom feeds, can be utilized in various ways within the blockchain ecosystem. For instance, in the DeFi sector, this price information can be used in derivatives, options and futures, lending and borrowing markets, collateralized stablecoins, synthetic asset issuance, money markets, and more. Similarly, in the NFTfi realm, the API can facilitate peer-to-pool NFT lending and borrowing, on-chain NFT derivatives, NFT renting, fractionalization of NFTs, and beyond.

DIA's API grants developers easy access to crucial price data, helping them build decentralized applications and enabling seamless integration of blockchain technology with existing systems. By offering both free and customizable feeds, DIA ensures that users have flexibility and choice in utilizing their data to meet their specific needs.

What is DIA's SushiToken price oracle?

DIA's SushiToken price oracle is a smart contract that provides real-time price feeds for crypto assets, including SushiToken. DIA stands out because it is integrated with 35+ layer 1 and layer 2 networks, giving it the ability to deploy price oracles on various blockchains.

DIA constructs its price feeds by sourcing data from over 85 on-chain and off-chain cryptocurrency and NFT exchanges, aggregating billions of individual trades. This comprehensive approach allows DIA to offer what other web3 data providers cannot.

While DIA does provide free demo oracles for testing purposes, these cannot be integrated into production applications. However, users can request custom configurations for dedicated price feed oracles. These custom oracles can be tailored in terms of sources, methodologies, update mechanisms, and more. To request a custom feed, users can reach out to DIA via Discord or Telegram.

DIA's custom oracles are especially valuable as they allow users to customize the data feed to meet their specific needs. This flexibility opens up a wide range of use cases across the blockchain ecosystem. In DeFi, DIA's price oracles can be utilized for derivatives, options and futures, lending and borrowing markets, collateralized stablecoins, synthetic asset issuance, money markets, and more. In NFTfi, the applications include peer-to-pool NFT lending and borrowing, on-chain NFT derivatives, NFT renting, NFT fractionalization, and many others.

Overall, DIA's price oracles offer a robust and customizable solution for accessing reliable and up-to-date price information in the blockchain space.

Why use DIA's SUSHI API & price oracle?

DIA's SUSHI API and SUSHI Price Oracle offer several key benefits for users in the blockchain ecosystem. Firstly, by utilizing DIA's technology, users gain access to accurate and reliable price data for cryptocurrencies and NFTs. This access to reliable data ensures users can make informed decisions and effectively participate in the market.

One major advantage of using DIA's API and Price Oracle is the high level of customization available. Users can tailor each oracle and API endpoint to suit the specific needs of their decentralized applications. This includes configuring the data sources, data cleaning filters, pricing methodologies, and update mechanisms. This flexibility ensures that the oracle and data feed remain robust and resilient, even in unique market conditions. It allows for a tailored solution that meets the individual requirements of each user.

Transparency is another significant benefit provided by DIA's API and oracles. Users can achieve full visibility and granular transparency across the entire data journey. This transparency instills trust in the price data and ensures that users have a clear understanding of how the oracle and API feeds operate.

Additionally, DIA offers tracking and monitoring tools for close monitoring of their oracle and API feeds. This enables users to stay updated on the data they rely on and ensures they can quickly identify any potential issues or discrepancies.

In summary, DIA's SUSHI API and SUSHI Price Oracle offer accurate data, customizability, transparency, and monitoring tools. These benefits empower users in the blockchain ecosystem to make well-informed decisions and confidently navigate the market.

Why use DIA data feeds and oracles?

DIA provides full insight on the oracle’s data journey as well monitoring tools to track feeds in real-time.
Oracles can be tailored to any use case in terms of data sources, methodologies and update mechanisms and much more.
Broadest coverage
DIA provides price oracles for 3,000+ cryptocurrencies: from blue-chip tokens to long-tail assets.